
Wines with a thousand-year tradition

"Good wine, hospitable people and very large wooden barrels". As early as 40 B.C., the Greek historian Strabo left his written testimony on the wine of Oltrepò Pavese, opening the door to a history more than a thousand years old. The history of a land described by Gianni Brera in the shape of a bunch of grapes.

The hills, which do not exceed 300-400 metres in height, together with a climate that is dry in winter and windy in summer, create ideal conditions for vine growing. Add to this the sea breeze from Liguria, which caresses the vineyards and enhances production, and Oltrepò Pavese becomes an area par excellence for wine production. It is not by chance that Oltrepò Pavese has become the third most important DOC area in Italy, after Chianti and Asti.

With 440 kilometres of hills and 13,000 hectares of Denominazione, Oltrepò Pavese accounts for no less than 60% of Lombardy's wine production, the third largest Pinot Noir producing area in the world.

The Consorzio was founded in 1961 to protect and promote the wine sector, first as a voluntary consortium and then in 1977 as the Consorzio Tutela Vini Oltrepò Pavese. The Consorzio's mission is to guarantee the quality of the area's wines, protect the appellations and promote local excellence.

The Oltrepò Pavese DOCs

The Oltrepò Pavese area boasts seven DOC denominations, reflecting the diversity of grape varieties and terroirs present in the area: Bonarda dell'Oltrepò Pavese, Buttafuoco dell'Oltrepò Pavese, Casteggio, Oltrepò Pavese, Pinot grigio dell'Oltrepò Pavese, Pinot nero dell'Oltrepò Pavese and Sangue di Giuda dell'Oltrepò Pavese.) Each of these appellations offers unique and unmistakable wines, expressions of the tradition and skill of the local producers.

Sparkling wine made with the classic method

In addition to the seven DOCs, Oltrepò Pavese can also boast a Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin (DOCG), reserved for sparkling wines made using the classic method. This is a wine produced using the traditional method of fermentation in the bottle, which gives it fine bubbles and aromatic complexity. It represents excellence in the production of sparkling wines in Italy.

Geographical position and influences

Wine production is the symbol of Oltrepò Pavese, the "old Piedmont", sandwiched between Emilia, Piedmont and Liguria. Its geographical position has favoured the exchange of viticultural influences and traditions, contributing to the diversity and richness of the wines produced. The continental climate, moderated by the proximity of the Ligurian Sea, together with the richness of the soils and the exposure to the sun, create ideal conditions for the cultivation of vines from season to season.

Wine traditions and passion

The Oltrepò Pavese is a land where viticulture is rooted in history and local culture. The care of the vineyards, the attention and the research for the production of high quality wines are synonymous with passion and love for the territory.

Visiting the Oltrepò Pavese means immersing oneself in this ancient tradition, tasting unique wines and enjoying the hospitality of a people who are tied to their land. The art of winemaking and the large wooden barrels are still an integral part of the local culture and economy. A place where good wine and hospitable people come together in a unique combination.

The rolling hills of the Oltrepò Pavese are a true treasure for wine lovers. The vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, creating a breathtaking landscape that invites you to discover an area that few can envy.

