Immersed in the majesty of the Sassi Neri-Pietra Corva Site of Community Importance, in the heart of the Romagna region, lies a splendid and precious jewel: the Pietra Corva Alpine GardenSituated at an altitude of 950 metres on the slopes of Monte Pietra di Corvo, this garden is a paradise for nature lovers, with over 1200 species of plants from different parts of the world.
Walking through the paths of the Pietra Corva Alpine Garden is like entering a fascinating botanical universe. Each step reveals an astonishing variety of species, the plants following one another in a harmonious symphony of colours and scents. Every corner offers a new discovery, from the delicate petals of the Fritillaria montana, to the pendant lilies, to the powerful splendour of the alpine plants.
The symbol of the garden
The Fritillaria montana, the undisputed symbol of this garden, enchants the eye with its rare beauty. With its unique floral characteristics and pendulous flowers that seem to dance in the air, this lily of the valley is a testimony to the biodiversity and preciousness of the Alpine environment.

The multicultural enchantment of the Pietra Corva garden
Surrounded by conifers and imposing beech trees, the Pietra Corva Alpine Garden opens up like a magical world through a network of small paths. In these wonderful beds and rockeries, a myriad of rare and common plants from faraway places mingle in a kaleidoscope of colours and scents. Many of these treasures originate in Europe, but you can also admire plants and flowers from Asia, North and South America.
The plants here tell stories of plant migrations, adaptations to different climatic conditions and adventurous discoveries: rare plants from faraway lands, which once seemed unreachable, find a home in the Pietra Corva Garden.
With its multicultural diversity, the Alpine Garden takes you on a botanical journey without borders. A place where the connection between different parts of the world is celebrated through the wonder of plants.
Un fascino incontaminato
Dal sentiero di ingresso alla scoperta della biodiversità del Giardino Alpino, un’esperienza indimenticabile attende i visitatori. Il percorso inizia con la foresteria e il centro visita per un’introduzione coinvolgente a questo straordinario giardino botanico.
Mentre si procede lungo il sentiero principale il paesaggio si trasforma in un affascinante spettacolo di aiuole e roccere. Un suggestivo stagno, popolato da varie specie di anfibi, si estende sul lato destro. Qui la ninfea bianca, il trifoglione d’acqua e il ranuncolo delle canne fanno bella mostra di sé, donando un tocco di eleganza e colore all’ambiente palustre. Lungo i margini dello stagno crescono felci, carici, iris e rare orchidee dei suoli palustri. Il percorso continua verso la zona più elevata del giardino, dove le piante alpine trovano la loro dimora e l’aria fresca si mescola al profumo delle specie montane.

Unspoilt fascination
From the entrance to the discovery of the Alpine Garden's biodiversity, an unforgettable experience awaits the visitor. The route begins at the Guest House and Visitor Centre, which offers a fascinating introduction to this exceptional botanical garden.
Continuing along the main path, the landscape transforms into a fascinating spectacle of flower beds and rock gardens. On the right is a charming pond populated by various species of amphibians. Here the white water lily, the water trifolium and the reed buttercup make a beautiful display, adding a touch of elegance and colour to the marshy environment. Ferns, sedges, irises and rare marsh orchids grow along the edges of the pond. The path continues to the highest part of the garden, where alpine plants are at home and the fresh air mixes with the scent of mountain species.