The Varzi Carnival is a historical event that takes place annually, attracting visitors from all over the territory with the desire to immerse themselves in the festive and spectacular atmosphere of the parades of floats.
Animated works of art, the floats
Each allegorical float represents a carefully chosen theme, ranging from fantasy and fairy tales to topical issues. They are moving works of art that enchant the public with their majesty and creativity. Talented local artisans work for months to build the floats, using traditional materials and techniques to create spectacular scenery.
The challenge of the floats: in search of the most beautiful
During the Varzi Carnival, the floats compete for the title of 'Most Beautiful Float'. Spectators can admire these wonders up close by voting for their favourite and helping to decide the winner. The competition is fierce: the floats compete for the prestigious prize while crowds of spectators applaud them as they pass, amidst confetti and streamers.
Una festa per tutti i sensi
Il carnevale varzese è molto più di una semplice sfilata. È un’esperienza multisensoriale che coinvolge tutti i partecipanti. Le strade si riempiono di colori vivaci, profumi invitanti e melodie festose. Tutti si immergono nella grande festa indossando costumi elaborati e maschere creative, trasformandosi in personaggi fantastici. La gioia contagiosa dell’evento si diffonde tra la gente e le vie, creando un’atmosfera di pura euforia e divertimento.
A festival for all the senses
In Varzi, the Carnival is an exceptional opportunity to discover one of the treasures of the Oltrepò Pavese area. This fascinating event is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the local culture and traditions through an authentic and engaging experience. Visitors will be able to explore the narrow streets of the historic centre, which tell of centuries of history, taste local delicacies such as salami, cheese and wine, and get to know the welcoming local people. The same people who make the Varzi Carnival a real success every year. A triumph of fun that is also due to the attention paid to every detail in the organisation of the event. The competition between the floats adds a touch of excitement to the event. Each team does its utmost to present the most spectacular and exciting float. Figurines and colourful masks enliven the old contrade with joy and lightness, with dancing and singing in the air.
The importance of the Varzi Carnival goes beyond mere fun and entertainment. It is a moment of unity for the local community, which works tirelessly to organise an event that is a great success every year. The festival is an opportunity to celebrate Varzi's identity and traditions and to share them with visitors from all over the world.
Carnival: origins and meaning
Carnival has very ancient origins, dating back to pagan celebrations associated with the transition from winter to spring. The first traces of carnival celebrations can be found in ancient Rome, where theatrical performances, games and festivities were organised in honour of the god Bacchus. The festival has always represented a moment of transgression and temporary suspension of social rules. A moment to free oneself from the constraints of everyday life, to disguise oneself, to let one's creativity and imagination run free.