Villa Leveratto Mangini, in Via di Dentro, is a fascinating testimony to Varzi's past. Built in the second half of the 18th century, this private residence is a place full of history and memories, having hosted notaries, lawyers, judges, abbots and priests over the centuries. Although owned by the Mangini family, the villa has undergone many changes over the years and is now known as Villa Leveratto Mangini Mazza Galanti. Every corner of the villa, with its sumptuous salons and majestic staircases, tells the story of a bygone era.
The history and elegance of the Villa
The villa overlooks Via di Dentro and has preserved its original architectural form. Part of the building, called "Il Casone", dates back to 1200 and, like the adjoining tower, was probably the residence of the guard of the village of Varzi and is now owned by the town council. Villa Leveratto, on the other hand, is still a private residence.

Luxury and beauty for timeless charm
The building is characterised by its large windows that allow you to admire the beautiful surrounding garden with its majestic, centuries-old poplars. Outside, you can still see the tennis courts where the guests of the villa used to compete in the 1920s. A terrace and an imposing staircase still maintain the elegance of this three-storey villa, which is an expression of the patrician architecture of the time, deeply rooted in the territory.
The top floor, now empty, was once used as an attic for storing agricultural products such as cereals and fruit. In the rustic annex there were stables for horses.
Over the centuries, the villa has been rebuilt by heirs and ransacked by unwelcome guests, but its walls still retain a certain vitality. Although little original furniture remains, the ceilings, painted relatively recently, show a refined taste for colour, while the imposing staircase adds a touch of incomparable beauty.

Dreaming within historic walls
Despite the challenges of time, Villa Leveratto Mangini continues to exert an irresistible charm. Its history and fascinating architecture are a heritage to be preserved and admired. During the summer months, cultural events are held in the beautiful gardens surrounding the villa.
The villa is a symbol of prestige and refinement, a place that evokes an era of elegance and opulence, an architectural jewel that is part of the history of Varzi.
Torre Mangini: a gift to the history of Varzi
Thanks to the generosity of the heirs Francesco and Stefano Mazza Galanti, the Mangini Tower, adjacent to the Casone, has recently become the property of the town. Varzi can therefore count on a new treasure and a new step in the enhancement of its artistic heritage. The tower, an imposing medieval structure built at the end of the 13th century, is an authentic architectural masterpiece. It has a square floor plan of about 5.5 metres on each side and rises to a height of about 20 metres, dominating the surrounding landscape. The exposed masonry, with irregular stone courses, gives the tower a suggestive charm. Divided into four floors above ground, it bears witness to its strategic importance in the Middle Ages.